How to Get BNB on MetaMask without Binance

Crypto offers you enough options that you can choose from when it comes to investing.

Out of all the options, Binance smart chain network is a good option if you are looking for an alternative for Ethereum, especially because of the advantages it has to offer to the user. 

Other than this, out of all cryptocurrency exchanges available, Metamask is one of the most popular options.

It is a great decentralised application offering you enough options to buy, sell or trade your cryptocurrencies. So, if you wish to get BNB on MetaMask, you need to add it to MetaMask.

Even if you do not create a Binance account, you can still do that. Keep reading to know-how.

How to Get BNB on MetaMask without Binance?

To send BNB to MetaMask, ensure that you have a MetaMask wallet first. Also, ensure that you have added Binance Smart Chain to MetaMask. Once done, send the BNB coins to Metamask using BSC(Binance Smart Chain).

With the steps mentioned below, you can simply get BNB on Metamask without setting up the Binance account.

Steps to Send BNB on MetaMask without Binance:

Step 1: Go to the Wallet

For this, you will have to go to the wallet that you have used to purchase BNB. Click on the BNB option and then choose to withdraw.

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Step 2: Open MetaMask and Copy Address

Open the Metamask extension or application. Make sure that your wallet is present on the BSC network. There, look for the address and then copy the same.

Step 3: Purchase BNB

Paste your copied address. Choose the option for Binance smart chain and type the amount. Tap on the submit option. BNB will appear on the left of your screen.

Step 4: Confirm The Actions

A confirmation will be needed. You will get a confirmation phone or email. Click on the link, and the withdrawal confirmation will appear on the screen. You will have the transaction in your account in a minute.

Why Can’t I Buy BNB On MetaMask?

If you cannot buy BNB on metamask or if you see the buy BNB button is greyed out, there can be multiple reasons for it.

However, the very common reason is the unavailability of Binance in all the states.

Many countries do not have Binance availability, so you may have to use VPN to access it. Another option can be to use any other application to buy BNB and transfer it to MetaMask.

Another reason for which you can face the issue is that you have not selected Binance smart chain to carry out the transaction.

Also Read:  How to Connect MetaMask to Website

So, you need to choose Binance smart chain on MetaMask to purchase BNB. 

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