What Does Grey Circle around Snapchat Bitmoji Mean

Snapchat is a quick and interesting way to share the moment with family and friends.
Snapchat launches directly to the camera option; you just simply tap to take a photo or press & hold to record a video.

Snapchat helps you to express yourself using Lenses, Filters, and Bitmoji!

When you are accessing the Snapchat app, you see the different colors circle around Snapchat stories shared by your friends.

Every color circle type around snapchat story represents the unique type of story shared by your friends.

In this post we would discuss what does it mean if you see grey circle around Snapchat story shared by your friends.

What Does Grey Circle around Snapchat Bitmoji Mean?

Grey circle around Snapchat bitmoji represents that you have watched the story shared by your friend. It basically replaces from blue circle to grey once you watch the shared stories from your friends.

Clicking on Snapchat story with grey circle/ring would allow you to see the story and it would convert to arrow icon that will indicate you to rewatch the story.

Circles around Snapchat bitmoji always represents the view status for that particular story, either it could be blue, red or purple as per your view status for stories shared by your friends.

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Snapchat stories circle with different colors always brings transparency to its users by helping out that who has viewed the stories, have taken the stories screenshots or how many someone has rewatched the stories.

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