Best EnTouch Wireless APN Settings

Entouch Wireless APN settings are essential for ensuring a seamless and reliable mobile internet connection on your device. 

APN, or Access Point Name, is a configuration that enables your device to connect to the internet through your service provider. 

Entouch Wireless, a leading provider of Lifeline assistance services, offers APN settings specifically designed to optimize data connectivity. 

By correctly configuring your APN settings, you can unlock the full potential of your Entouch Wireless plan, allowing you to browse the web, use applications, and stay connected with ease. 

This guide will provide the necessary information to set up your Entouch Wireless APN settings and enjoy uninterrupted internet access on your device.

EnTouch Wireless APN Settings

To configure Entouch Wireless APN settings on your Android or iOS device, go to network or cellular settings and enter the APN as “entouch.” Leave the username and password fields blank. Save the settings and enjoy uninterrupted internet access.

Below is a detailed explanation of Entouch Wireless APN settings for both Android and iOS devices:

EnTouch Wireless APN Settings For Android:

  1. Go to “Settings” on your Android device.
  2. Select “Network & Internet.”
  3. Tap on “Mobile Network.” 
  4. Select “Access Point Names.” 
  5. Tap the “Add” button to create a new APN.
  6. Enter the following settings:
  • Name: Entouch Wireless
  • APN: entouch
  • Proxy: Not set
  • Port: Not set
  • Username: Not set
  • Password: Not set
  • Server: Not set
  • MMSC: Not set
  • MMS Proxy: Not set
  • MMS Port: Not set
  • MCC: Leave it as default
  • MNC: Leave it as default
  • Authentication Type: None or Not set
  • APN Type: default,supl
  • APN Protocol: IPv4/IPv6
  • APN Roaming Protocol: IPv4/IPv6
  • Enable/Disable APN: APN Enabled
  1. Save the APN settings and ensure it is selected as the active APN.
Also Read:  How to Check EnTouch Wireless Application Status

EnTouch Wireless APN Settings iOS:

  1. Go to “Settings” on your iOS device.
  2. Select “Mobile Data.”
  3. Tap on “Mobile Data Options.”
  4. Tap on “Mobile Data Network.”
  5. Enter the following settings:
  • APN: entouch
  • Username: Leave it blank
  • Password: Leave it blank
  1. Save the APN settings and exit the settings menu.

Make sure to enter the settings accurately, and if you encounter any issues, you can contact EnTouch Wireless customer support for further assistance.