Apple Vision Pro: How To Turn On/Off Sleep Focus Mode In Control Center

Are you ready to get a better night’s sleep by customizing your Apple Vision Pro settings?

Sleep Focus mode is a powerful feature designed to help you wind down, minimize distractions, and set the stage for a restful night.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily turn on or off Sleep Focus mode directly from the Control Center.

How to Turn On/Off Sleep Focus Mode in Control Center?

Step 1: Access Control Center

Keep your head still and look up above the apps until the Green Dot appears.

Step 2: Open the Control Center

Perform a pinch gesture, as if you’re zooming in on a photo, to bring up the Control Center.

Step 3: Activate Sleep Mode

Press and hold down on the Sleep icon within the Control Center.

Step 4: Select Sleep Mode

After holding down the Sleep icon, select the ‘Sleep‘ option to enable Sleep Mode.

Step 6: Customize Settings (Optional)

If you want to adjust which notifications can come through during Sleep Mode, tap on the three dots next to the Sleep option to access customization settings.